Our coffee names frequently incorporate details such as the coffee's country of origin, farm name, region, and/or processing method.
These signify the different flavors that can be perceived while tasting the coffee. Notes are not rigid guidelines but an expression of the roaster's experience while processing the coffee- providing a glimpse into the intricate flavors and nuances the roaster believes you might encounter when you brew the coffee. Coffees sourced from various regions also possess unique and discernable taste profiles.
Elevation refers to the altitude above sea level at which the coffee beans are grown in the coffee-producing region. It is usually denoted by a 4-digit number followed by "masl," which stands for meters above sea level. This is an essential factor in coffee production because it significantly influences the coffee's final flavor profile and overall quality.
This refers to the specific coffee plant variety or cultivar from which the coffee beans were harvested. Just like in the world of wine, where different grape varietals produce distinct flavors, aromas, and characteristics in the wine, coffee varietals also influence the taste and overall profile of the coffee. Each varietal can offer a different flavor profile, acidity level, body, and sweetness.
Coffee processes vary significantly, but here's a brief overview of the three common ones you find on our coffee labels.
- Washed: The outer fruit is removed from the coffee beans before drying. After sorting and de-pulping, the beans are washed. These coffees reflect their growing conditions and are known for their clear and distinct flavors.
- Natural: Also known as dry-processed or natural sundried, this method involves drying the coffee cherries with the fruit intact. After drying, the fruit is separated from the beans -offering a fruit-forward flavor profile due to the intact fruit during drying.
- Honey Process: A middle ground between washed and natural, hone processed coffees have the outer skin removed before drying, but the mucilage is left intact. That substance contains fruit sugars that provide unique flavors to the coffee.
The region section of our labels indicates that the coffee is sourced from a specific single origin originating from the noted region and country mentioned in the coffee's name.
Our coffees usually tend to fall in the light-medium range- with a variety of options to cater to every palette. The roast level on a coffee bag refers to the degree to which the coffee beans have been roasted- which helps y'all choose a coffee that aligns with your preferred taste profile.